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6 Skincare Resolutions You NEED To Make for 2018

6 Skincare Resolutions You NEED To Make for 2018


This is Martha Thomas, head of customer care for Tree of Life Beauty, and I want to welcome you to our weekly newsletter where we discuss important ways to age gracefully, “how-tos” for keeping skin healthy as you age, and so much more about your skincare regimen.

This week we will discuss “6 Skincare Resolutions You Need To Make For 2018.” If you missed any of our past newsletters, please check them out here on our blog.

Please be advised that we are not doctors or dermatologists, and this article should not be taken as medical advice or any medical statement. Any questions or issues involving your skin-care needs should be taken up with a physician, and we highly recommend you consult with your doctor before taking up any skin-care regimen.


Ringing in the New Year means making resolutions for the strongest, happiest, and healthiest year you’ve ever had. You decide to make changes in your life because you want to feel more confident and vigorous, living the best and most beautiful life you can. Thus, it’s common to choose resolutions like, “workout every day” or “spend more time with the family.” They’re all great resolutions—but we tend to forget or neglect by February.

If you want a non-invasive lifestyle change that will make you look and feel more beautiful, it’s time for skin care resolutions.

Make a resolution for better skin this 2018 to take back the power over your own health and beauty.

Below you’ll find our 6 favorite skin resolutions for 2018. Rather than committing to all, pick 2 or 3 from the list that you’re determined to follow through with—and you’ll start seeing results in no time.

  1. Drink more water.

If you make any resolution this year, let it be this one: drink more water. Water is necessary for overall health and wellness, as it’s the life-source for all organ processes, including skin function. Water works as a protectant for the skin, keeping your skin supple and strong against environmental toxins. This keeps your skin glowing and healthy, working to fight off wrinkles and push out bad acne-causing bacteria. Fight signs of aging with moisture and hydration.

Moreover, water keeps you energized, focused, and aware, which makes you happier and more productive in your life. You should be drinking at least 64 ounces of water per day, which equates to about 8 average glasses of water. Although this sounds like a lot, drinking just one glass every other hour while awake will get you to your daily dose.  

  1. Remove your makeup.

We’re all guilty of forgetting to remove our makeup at some point because we’re too tired or not in the mood. But it’s critical for skin health to remove your makeup every night before bed. Not removing makeup can clog pores, which leads to zits and spots.

Avoid these concerns by removing makeup right when you get home (before sitting on the couch and falling into joyful laziness). First, we recommend using makeup remover towelettes and then, wash your face with our Vitamin C cleanser to get rid of any leftover residue. Vitamin C helps brighten and enliven your skin after a day of dulling makeup.

  1. Clean your makeup brushes.

Speaking of makeup concerns, it’s time to disinfect those makeup brushes. You should be cleaning your brushes weekly—or monthly, at the very least. Makeup and oil build up on these brushes, which breed bacteria on the ends of the tools you use on your face. These bacteria can cause irritation, and it can even affect the application of your makeup.

Wash your makeup brushes with gentle baby shampoo and lukewarm water. Don’t use hot water because the bristles may fall out. Gently massage the tip of the brush to create suds. Rinse thoroughly and squeeze out the excess water. Reshape the brush and balance over the sink to let air-dry. You can also purchase an antibacterial brush cleaner for easier cleaning.

  1. Exfoliate weekly.

Most of us don’t exfoliate enough. Exfoliation helps to get rid of dead skin cells and give your face a fresh, rejuvenated feeling.

Make your exfoliation an indulgent treat. Our green tea/white tea exfoliating facial scrub will make you feel like you’ve just walked into a spa. Go on, pamper yourself—you deserve it this year.

  1. Organize your medicine cabinet.

Do a new year’s cabinet cleaning. Get rid of expired products from years ago. Re-organize your medicine cabinet so your daily products are in closest reach.

Having too many skincare products can be overwhelming. In fact, using too many types of products can actually have the reverse result on your skin. For example, if you often change which retinol product you use, the secondary ingredients can irritate your face and dry out your skin. Moreover, different products work differently, so you might not see the results you want.

Be more mindful of your skincare this year. Choose a few key products that will work on your problem areas. Remember that most products often take about 6 weeks to show any changes. So stick to a routine with one or two key products, like an Hyaluronic Acid Serum and Retinol Moisturizer Cream.

  1. Wear more sunscreen.

Everyone can benefit from a daily SPF, even in the winter. We recommend applying a moisturizer with SPF in the morning. Look for those products that say “non-greasy” or “sheer.” A little protection goes a long way for the future.  


Choose a skincare resolution and stick to it in order to see long-lasting, gorgeous results. Happy New Year to you all! We wish you a beautiful 2018 filled with joy, health, and youthful skin!

What skincare resolutions are you making this year?

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