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Skincare for Every Decade

Skincare for Every Decade


This is Martha Thomas, head of customer care for Tree of Life Beauty, and I want to welcome you to our blog where we discuss important ways to age gracefully, "how-tos" for keeping skin healthy as you age, and so much more.

This week we will discuss “Skincare for Every Decade." If you missed any of our past blog posts, please check them out here on our website.

Please be advised that we are not doctors or dermatologists, and this article should not be taken as medical advice or any medical statement. Any questions or issues involving your skin-care needs should be taken up with a physician, and we highly recommend you consult with your doctor before taking up any skin-care regimen.


As the largest organ in the human body, skin is a living, changing entity. And with this vibrancy comes a huge degree of variability--what worked to keep skin healthy at 20 can be vastly different from what it needs at 40 or 50. Pamper your skin at any age by following the suggestions below.

Skincare in Your 20’s

While it can be tempting to assume that young skin doesn’t need special attention, your 20’s is the perfect time to lay a foundation of healthy habits that will reap benefits for the rest of your life. Since it’s generally easier to prevent signs of aging than repair them, in addition to daily cleansing, begin using a light moisturizer and consider adding in a daily eye gel.

It’s also important in your 20’s to avoid unnecessarily abusing your skin--using sunscreen daily, avoiding tanning, and stopping smoking now can all help dramatically reduce the signs of aging in skin over decades to come.

Skincare in Your 30’s

By your middle-30’s oily and combination skin may still be concerns, while fine lines and discoloration will also be making their first appearances.

If you haven’t begun a daily skincare routine already, this is the time to get serious about it. Even if bar soaps and cheap lotions worked when you were younger, by your 30’s your skin will appreciate more targeted products. In fact, this is a great time to take stock of problem areas before they become too pronounced. Retinol-containing products, like our Retinol Serum or Retinol Moisturizer can be an excellent way to begin tackling some of these early signs of aging.

Skincare in Your 40’s

Don’t let common skin problems on the outside undermine how young and beautiful you feel on the inside. Many people use their 40’s to hone and refine their skincare regimen, a process which can feel overwhelming at first. Take stock of the products you currently use and consider how effective each of them is. Are there some that you are still using because you loved how they smelled years ago? How do they make your skin feel? At this stage, it’s time to let go of anything that doesn’t completely meet your expectations.

Retinol-containing products can help revitalize your skin, while moisturizers can help protect skin from additional damage.

Skincare in Your 50’s

Hopefully a lifetime of great habits is paying off now, and your 50’s can still be a great decade for maintaining and improving your skin’s health and vitality. Now, more than ever, an overall healthy lifestyle will impact not only how you feel but how you look. Avoiding excess sun exposure, getting adequate sleep, and following a healthy diet can all help keep skin looking youthful. Continuing with quality products, including a good moisturizer and targeted skin care products, is also important.

Skincare in Your 60’s and 70’s

As you transition into your 60’s and 70’s, skin often undergoes significant changes. It tends to become thinner and drier; easier to irritate and slower to heal. Which means that there’s never been a more important time to nurture your skin.

Simple steps can help incorporate gentleness into nearly every aspect of your skincare routine during your 60’s, 70’s and beyond. For example, opt to wash with warm water rather than hot. Use a soft cloth to clean, rather than a luffa, puff, or other scrubbing tools as they can damage fragile skin. Bar soaps and other products with harsh ingredients should also be avoided. It may also be worth investing in a humidifier to help keep skin from drying out, especially overnight.

No matter what stage of life you are in, it's important to find ways to care for your skin. Investing in age-appropriate, quality products is one of the most effective ways to keep your most visible feature feeling fresh and healthy.

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